Thursday 21 January 2010

Digital Marketing Skills

There are times when one needs to be sure one is dealing with skilled, thoroughly trained professionals.

A very senior and experienced Marketing Director said to me the other day: “You know Mike, the single biggest thing holding back digital right now is a shortage of experienced, knowledgeable people who really know what they’re doing online. I can’t hire them as employees and I can’t find enough of them on the agency side. Of course, there are plenty of people with experience of design and build, SEO or paid search, but they tend to be do-ers rather than thinkers, and there is a lot of dead wood out there- at every level, from project manager to MD. And don’t even get me started on Social Media - talk about The Kingdom of the Blind…”

Then she referred me to this video, which on one hand demonstrated that she had a sense of humour, but on the other left me hoping that I’d never told her I was a “social media expert”.

In September last year, figures produced by the UK Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) and PwC revealed that £1.75bn was spent on online advertising in the first 6 months of 2009, which meant that online had overtaken TV as the UK’s biggest advertising medium. . This was a ‘world first’ for a developed advertising market. The announcement shocked many of the ‘Old Guard’ in Marketing Departments and their ad agencies. There was no denying that Digital had arrived. TV had been the leading ad medium for almost 50 years; now online had overtaken it in ten.

The point my client was making was that the rapid growth of Digital has left what HR people call a “skills gap”. At all levels there is a lack of experience and there is widespread concern that this is actually holding back the emergence of Digital as a serious, grown-up and respected part of the marketing mix. There is no doubt that budgets are moving from traditional media into digital channels, but for many marketing directors this is something of a voyage into the unknown; it is certainly difficult to know where to get impartial advice; everyone who appears to know about Digital seems to have an agenda; most of all, it could be argued, the big digital agencies. Mistakes are being made, opportunities missed. Cowboys (naming no names) are surviving and even prospering.

As we know, pretty much everything in Digital is measurable but this may not be as big an advantage as it sounds. Many online marketers are currently drowning in a sea of analytics: an excess of data and a shortage of actionable information. They are all too frequently at the mercy of the ‘Web Analytics Guru’ whose position of power is akin to that of the car mechanic dealing with the distressed and ignorant customer; sucking his teeth, shaking his head and naming an outrageous sum: “Bad news I'm afraid; your big end’s gone…” And then doing a poor job…

So how is the buyer (of digital marketing services) to find reputable, professional suppliers? Well for one thing, I suggest you should ask your agency about its policy on training its people. Granted, and organization’s involvement in professional training and qualifications doesn’t guarantee that its employees are competent, but it does show a commitment by the employer to professional development and a willingness to invest in their people and their careers.

Digital marketing is certainly growing: driven by technology and also partly by a belief that is it more measurable so that ROI can be demonstrated. However unless we, as a profession, can train a cadre of Digital Marketing professionals, there is a real danger that there will be a backlash; the CFO will turn to the Marketing Director demanding proof of return and if it is not forthcoming, next year’s budget may well be smaller. (“Well we tried Digital…”)

It has been suggested that ‘Digital’ as a discriminator will soon disappear as online channels are integrated into the overall marketing mix and the big ad agencies increasingly ‘get’ digital (very much as TV was rapidly integrated into Press, Poster and Radio advertising agencies in the 1960s ). The jury is still out on how quickly and to what extent this will happen but regardless of this trend there will still be a need for skilled practitioners who understand the unique nature of online advertising, of natural and paid search and social media and how they all fit together into the marketing mix. There is already a substantial body of knowledge about Digital but it needs to be shared more effectively; training and professional qualifications can help, increasing digital expertise and understanding both in marketing departments and in their agencies.

It is in everyone’s interest, and the interest of marketing in general, that sufficient people in the marketing profession get the right training in digital skills so that they can use these exciting new channels in the appropriate manner; as a key part of the marketing mix; alongside, not necessarily instead of, ‘traditional’ media. This means not only learning relevant craft skills / techie knowledge but also gaining strategic understanding of how Digital channels can be utilized within the overall marketing mix, which of course is based on principles formulated long before the internet was invented.

Time is money of course, so you will want the highest quality, most appropriate training, tailored to your specific needs; why not resolve to send your people (and dare I suggest yourself?) on a professionally developed and delivered Digital Marketing course? For your highest fliers, consider a professional qualification; the right people will find this highly motivating and better people get better results! Don't look at training and professional development in the rapidly-evolving Digital Channels as a cost; think of it as an investment in your people and their future - i.e. the future of your organisation.

Mike Berry is a Digital Marketing Blogger and Trainer and a Consultant for APRAIS, the international marketing relationships consultancy.


  1. Great post Mike.

    Companies don't seem to realise that the best way forward is on-the-job experience supported by structured learning. We don't all need to make our own mistakes; a few words of wisdom from digital marketing experts who've been there can help us avoid the pitfalls and save months of time and thousands of pounds. I'm going to show this post to my boss; see you on a CAM course soon!

  2. I enjoyed reading your post Mike - some great points that I agree with. I kind of fell into digital marketing due to the way my business developed and most of what I've learnt is self taught, on the job.

    So pleased to see that CAM is running digital qualifications. Even the new CIM qualifications seem to see digital as an add-on rather than an integral part of the mix.

    I was teaching a digital marketing masterclass in London last night and of my audience (who had come as a result of an ad in Marketing Week) not one had had any formal digital training and yet the vast majority were working to some degree in digital applications. A lot were CIM qualified - I hope that in these recessionary times companies have the budget to further invest in training and equipping their staff to seize the opportunities that digital offers - good luck with that Julian!
